

"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science."

Edwin Powell Hubble

Science at Charlton House

Subject Leader: Mrs McKay

Science is a journey of discovery at Charlton House. We want children to be empowered to question the world around them and to think independently, making scientific discoveries for themselves. We ensure that we offer a wealth of exploratory and practical opportunities, alongside chances to gain a deepened knowledge and understanding of the core concepts.

It is also important that children understand the use and impact of science today and for the future. Across the school, children are encouraged to take part in hands-on investigations and discuss their findings.  Further up the school, the children begin to move on in their learning by predicting outcomes; presenting and evaluating their findings and using scientific evidence to either support of refute ideas.

Science Programmes of Study: Key Stage 1 and 2

Curriculum Statement

Working Scientifically Progression Map

EYFS Science Overview

Years 1/2 Long Term Plan

Years 3/4 Long Term Plan

Years 5/6 Long Term Plan

Science Vocabulary Progression 

Science Glossary