At Charlton House Independent School we strive to ensure that children understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Physical Education is a vital part of school life.
P.E. is taught by subject-specialists, who deliver the curriculum to all children from Reception to Year 6. Our curriculum is broad, balanced and challenging; children are encouraged to find personal success in all areas of the subject.
Our small class sizes enable teachers to fully develop agility, balance and coordination – the building blocks to success in Physical Education and development. We equip our children to become happy, healthy and active pupils and inspire them to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities throughout their lives.
We encourage pupils to take part in a broad spectrum of extracurricular clubs that are organised both during and after school. They allow them to discover new interests and progress skills in specific activities such as football, tennis, ballroom dancing, ballet and karate. We also house an extensive indoor climbing wall that serves to build pupils’ confidence to overcome challenges ahead.
Each year, pupils’ development is celebrated at our annual Sports Day where all children participate as individuals and in houses. This engenders independence, collaboration, empathy and commitment in the pursuit of understanding how to take care of themselves and others, both physically and mentally, in order to be successful as adults.
Physical Education at Charlton House
Subject Leader: Mr Musgrave (acting)
Core Real PE
Curriculum Map Year R
Curriculum Map Year 1 (Cycle A)
Curriculum Map Year 2 (Cycle B)
Curriculum Map Year 3 (Cycle A)
Curriculum Map Year 4 (Cycle B)
Curriculum Map Year 5 & 6
Fundamental Movement Skills Progression Statements
Multi-ability Progression Statements
Real Gym
Curriculum Map Year R
Curriculum Map Year 1 (Cycle A)
Curriculum Map Year 2 (Cycle B)
Curriculum Map Year 3 (Cycle A)
Curriculum Map Year 4 (Cycle B)
Curriculum Map Year 5 & 6
Real Gym Skills Progression
Real Dance
Curriculum Map Year R
Curriculum Map Year 1 (Cycle A)
Curriculum Map Year 2 (Cycle B)
Curriculum Map Year 3 (Cycle A)
Curriculum Map Year 4 (Cycle B)
Curriculum Map Year 5 & 6