

"In Math, you're either right or you're wrong."

Katherine Johnson

Mathematics at Charlton House

Subject Leader: Mr Musgrave

At Charlton House we take a mastery approach to Mathematics and regard it as a high priority as we recognise it as an essential skill for life. We believe that all of our children can succeed in Mathematics and we strive to teach our children to become confident, resilient problem-solvers with an enthusiasm for discovery.

We focus on developing a strong knowledge base, with constant opportunities for children to apply these skills to problem solving in the real world. Teaching maths for mastery is a transformational approach to maths teaching which stems from high performing Asian nations such as Singapore. When taught to master maths, children develop their mathematical fluency without simply resorting to rote learning, and are able to solve non-routine (unfamiliar) maths problems.

Our pupils use concrete resources across all year groups which differ to suit their mathematical ability. This ensures that children have a clear understanding of how problems are solved. They then move on to pictorial representations (drawings), so that when they are ready for the abstract stage of learning (in their head), they can draw on everything they have learnt and fully understand the stages of the problem.

Mathematics Programmes of Study: Key Stages 1 and 2

Maths Curriculum Statement

National Curriculum and ‘Ready to progress’ mapping

Understanding Maths glossary

Calculation Policy 

Maths Long Term Plan (whole-school)

EYFS Assessment Information (PUMA)
Assessment Map (Years 1 – 6)

Key Instant Recall Facts (Year R – 6)

Maths Vocabulary

White Rose Maths Symbols