
Visit Us


Our whole school community would love to meet any prospective families.

Tours of our school buildings and grounds can be arranged before, during or after the school day. These are conducted by our Headteacher, who will offer a personalised experience. We can also conduct virtual tours, should you not be able to attend in person. 

Taster Days

Following the successful completion of a tour, we invite all prospective pupils to attend taster days. These will enable your child to experience daily life at Charlton House and cultivate your own opinions of our school as prospective parents. We offer a safe, nurturing and inspiring learning environment, incomparable to other schools in Southampton. There is no charge or obligation attached to attending taster days. We hope you and your child find them useful in informing your decision to join our unique community. 

If you would like to arrange a visit of our school, please complete the this form or alternatively contact our school office at admin@charltonhouseindependentschool.co.uk or by calling 023 8067 1739.