It is important to us that parents understand all school policies that influence how Charlton House Independent School is run. This is important not only from the perspective of full transparency, but also to enable parents to appreciate the school’s ethos and to inform parents of the necessary steps that need to be followed in any number of scenarios.
It is our belief that all parents should have access to all school policies. You will find below a list of our school policies. If a policy document you are looking for is not available to download from the list below, please contact the School Office on 02380 671739 or alternatively by email at admin@charltonhouseindependentschool.co.uk
A hard copy of every policy is available from the school’s office upon your request.
- Accessibility Plan;
- Administration of Medicines Policy;
- Admissions Policy;
- Anti-Bullying Policy;
- Assessment Policy;
- Bursary Policy;
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
- Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy;
- Code of Conduct Safe Working Practice;
- Collective Worship Policy;
- Complaints Procedure;
- Curriculum Policy;
- Data Protection Policy;
- Drugs Policy;
- EYFS Policy;
- ECT Induction Policy;
- Equality & Diversity Policy;
- Exclusions Policy;
- First Aid Policy;
- Food in School Policy;
- Governor Visits Policy;
- Health & Safety Policy;
- Home School Agreement;
- Homework Policy;
- ICT & Internet Acceptable Use Policy;
- Lockdown Procedure;
- Low Level Concerns Policy;
- Marking & Feedback Policy;
- Mobile Phone Policy;
- Positive Behaviour Policy;
- Privacy Notice;
- Registration and Attendance Policy;
- Religious Education Policy;
- RSE Policy;
- Risk Assessment Policy;
- SEND Policy;
- SEND Information Report;
- Single Equality Statement;
- Social Media Policy;
- Whistleblowing Policy
Complaints Procedure
There have been no complaints for the academic year 2023 – 2024.