


Charlton House Independent School aims to offer all children the opportunity to receive a high standard of Catholic education.

Our school is committed to supporting pupils from the wider community who, for financial reasons, may not consider or have access to independent education.

Bursaries may be awarded to subsidise fees and support children who would not otherwise be able to enter the school. An application for a bursary will be means tested and subject to specific financial disclosures with appropriate checks and reviews. This is an entirely confidential procedure. 

All bursaries are determined at the absolute discretion of the Governing Board, upon the advice of the Head Teacher.

If you have any queries concerning fees and bursaries or you would like a copy of the school’s bursary application pack, please contact our school’s office by email on: administrationsofficer@charltonhouseindependentschool.co.uk or by phone: 023 8067 1739.